
Hebrews is unavailable, but you can change that!

“Few studies can be more profitable to Christians today than that of the Epistle to the Hebrews,” says Richard Phillips. “Written … to a group of Jewish Christians facing persecution in the mid-first century AD, the words of this book speak to Christians everywhere about standing firm in Jesus Christ.” Hebrews captures the challenges and pitfalls of people throughout the ages and shows both why...

This exhortation receives further support starting with the description of Jesus in verse 1 as “the apostle and high priest of our confession.” An apostle is one who is sent to represent God before men, and to speak and act on his behalf; a high priest represents men before God and offers a sacrifice for their sins. Moses was the only Old Testament figure to fulfill both of these functions, and as such he pointed forward to Jesus, whom we proclaim as the apostle and high
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